Saturday, August 4, 2012

Amsterdam is Wiggin' Out, Bees Are Buzzin Around Airports, Olympians Are the Sites to See in London, and Qatar Can't Touch This

QUOTE of the Day


Going Greyhound is one of my favorite ways to travel the US. I took this on the way to Texas, from NYC. It took me 43hrs, lots of Doritos's, and yeah a few illegal beers.


Jason Mraz - I'm Yours (Live On Earth Single Video)

Jason is always giving us a glimpse of his journey in his lyrics and videos. Check him out.


Amsterdam's Evolving Relationship With Weed

This article by Rick Steves is brilliant.

Pimps and shady drug dealers may return to the redlight district once again, because come 2013, if a law gets passed coffee shops will not be able to legally sell pot to tourists.

This is frustrating. It's one of the novelties of the city. It's one of the things that make it slightly more comfortable than Prague. No one wants to get swindled by a Gypsy during a drug deal in an alley at 2 in the morning. It's not fun. I know, it has happened to me (in Prague). I walked the streets of Amsterdam and crossed its canals in the snow (stoned) and at utter peace with myself and my surroundings. I deemed it as one of the most beautiful cities I had ever seen.

Why move backwards? It just doesn't make sense. It would be like Vegas, telling all our secrets. Like the Czech Republic, refusing to sell us a pivo/beer. Like Italy, denying us wine.

Someone with more authority than me write a letter and get this shit straightened out.

Delta Flight Delayed By Massive Swarm Of Bees (VIDEO)

We're used to a flock of birds delaying our flights, but a swarm of bees buzzing around the wings?  What's next- snakes on a plane?


Olympians' Favorite Spots In London And Back Home

Check out the sites during the Olympics, and you're libels to run into some of the fastest, strongest, most athletic people in the world.

My First Visit To Hamburg

Hamburg is the second largest city in Germany. It's got a population just over 5,000,000 and seems to have a strong imports industry. Check out the wikipedia on it. The pics make it look like a place off the Adriatic.


How to cross a backcountry river

Educational article. I learned that the widest part of the river is most likely to be the most shallow and that's where you should attempt your trek.

9 rules for expats in Qatar

No booze, flipping the bird, or showing shoulders are just a few. Read the others and prepare yourself for your journey to the Middle East. Also, did you know that 80% of the country is made up of expats? 80%!

Safe travels today. May you get stoned in Amsterdam, avoid the bees in Pittsburgh, and get hit on by an Olympian in London.


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